(iOS) Ice Scream 3: Horror Neighborhood 作弊碼增加鍵
▶▶▶▶ Ice Scream 3: Horror Neighborhood ANDROID ◀◀◀◀
▶▶▶▶ Ice Scream 3: Horror Neighborhood IOS ◀◀◀◀
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▞▞▞ Ice Scream 3: Horror Neighborhood 2022 version ▞▞▞
i like it but it is hanging much
its a very good horror game but one small thing please dont add ads when ghost mode it will take the time of the players thank you :)
希望可以把金幣發揮更好的效果,可惜不能把金幣發來更好的效果,可惜不能把金幣發來把尖尖的兵寶箱的物資沒有出現換貨或更換,換成一些比較吸引人的物品,皮膚,以及是否可以跟 PC 版本同步更新一些 PC 版本有的東西,例如,手部都有,就是側視鏡、……之類的整體來說,這是我連續逗留的第90天請最棒的手,保持下去,不要一昧的殺玩家,這樣是留守玩家的,多讓點收益給優質玩家是很好的方案。卻也很耐玩的燒腦遊戲,很容易打發時間好用,很容易停下來不下來經常想的挑戰。增加與壅塞出現明顯(有時會沒有註意到有新站點或壅塞情況發生而突然被結束),另外選擇地圖的列表有點太長
this game is fun it has alot of new place's to see and go and i love this game the trailer had alot of drama this game is awesome!!!!!
i don't like this game the rest is fun but getting the red horse the motorcycle it's hard to rewind back i get stuck between the wall and the railing i hate this game it gives me stress and anger
love the game, also once you complete it start a new game then in your house mix all the ingredients together then go outside
so many bugs: the map doesn't load, rod spawning in front of me, or game just shuts down it self... please fix it, then maybe i will play it
it is very fun, wasn't expecting that ending but very fun. really fun but also scary game. you should try it out. 👍
hey , i will give this game 2 because am about to end the game but finish every thing and i forgot to discounect to the wifi bc the game has alot of ads , i was soo close and then povvv its start to lagging and its start the beginning of the game that means that i will start to play again and every thing i collect gone , thank u
when i downloaded it i never seen the golden fish never ever time i played it or if i start over i still don't see it but that's the only thing wrong with it
when i downloaded the game it was so laggy. i recommend you not downloading it. all i'm doing is downloading again and try and get over.
great game! very laggy at the beginning but it got better! ads werent a problem, as i just turned off the wifi. i had a problem about the golden fish. i did not have it. i tried everything and it never appeared so i ended up deleting it. sad, but true. please fix this and let me know when it is so i can redownload it!
this game is good but it's quite scary to me but that's because i'm a person who gets scared really easily but if you don't get scared that easley come check this game out it's really good but does have a lot of things you need to find which makes me feel confused of why but overall it's a really good 🤔😁
i really don't lime this game because we are not able to find that golden fish just some time luck you can complete this game .so that is why i just give it one star
i like it but not rating 5 because of adds.😡 i am so angry . but is used to off my data
nooooooooo i don't like this game so much when i go to the shopping centre the timer is so fast and i loset in the game and i don't like fast games and i so mad about this game 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
i like this game but the puzzles are so hard thats why i gave the game o ly 1 strar
this game show no one can you reply because if you the spanish man when you ride when you ride the bicycle it's too hard because of the tire can we try not to set timers explain this
i cannot end the game because i leave cage key in the van and then i can't take it because lis and charlie is blocking it. i was so happy about to end the game but this bug make my face change.please do something about it and i will rate 5 star. thank you very much
why ice cream game sucks and i use ghost mode and want to take the mike and have to look for a puzzles are hard to find.
i love the game but so many glitches like, when you drop the fishing rod. the button drop is stuck on screen and cannot pick it up fishing rod then when you press drop its teleporting... pls you have to fix it and pls fix charlie and liz that you can walk through it so if you go first on van and liz/charlie walks inside the van you can still get out, also great works developer, team keplerians!
i haven't played it yet but it looks hard sooo if you like hard games maybe you should get this game
it's a good game but once you have cleared the mission i mean the game it will be boring not only this every ice scream episode 1+2+3
i like it but not rating 5 because of adds.😡 i am so angry . but is used to off my data
it was a good game but it always glitches it's always so laggy and whenever i try to play and make a video it makes me stay in the same spot forever so i get really frustrated with this game
this game is bad so many glitch
it is little bit hard 😱for my brother. he wins in 1st,2nd but not in 3rd.😭
Ice Scream 3: Horror Neighborhood Arkade kdxc
i liked the game but it would be cool if you added the ice cream shop were he works and a park all i got to say is keep up your great games
it's not downloading for me i was so excited and this happen i am very upset i can't see the glitch in ice scream 5 i have played this so much and now ugh
3 reasons why ice scream 3 is terrible 1. its super hard 2. its not scary 3. you fixed the glitch that makes you get to the last point instantly. do not download this game
this is the worst game ever i like the first two parts but the third part is very very bad i am sweating right now and i don't know what to do the reason is that there's a point in the game that a we have to ride a bike and we have to get the red horse and the end but up the bike is not also controllable and with this should be any other controls also like this can be a joystick we should just tilt the phone to control the bike so pls change the game keleprians
i had face some bug in game the game automatically close and restart and game is also lagging some time produser pls check this although game was awesome 🤩
i love your game i watched kindly keyin play it so he found a glitch where if you hold the mother bike you can take it to places like the camp #ice scream 🍶🍶